FAQ #01
Q: How do I find out which events are scheduled this month, or which categories are eligible for competition evenings?
A: Calendar of events

FAQ #02
Q: Where can I learn about the rules for defining various categories such as nature, travel, creative & photojournalism?
A: Subject Categories

FAQ #03
Q: How can I obtain an updated membership roster to contact another club member?
A: The current membership roster can be found under the ‘For Members’ tab, listed as ‘PACC Roster’

FAQ #04
Q: Is there a mentoring program or opportunity to get informal feedback on my images or help me prepare to enter competitions?
A: Yes – Mentoring Program

FAQ #05
Q: How can I get help in learning how to cut window mats?
A: See Mentoring Program pages

FAQ #06
Q: How do I setup and maintain my profile page?
A: All members have a public profile. The public profile page can be edited using the options available under the main navigation menu section named “For Members > My Profile“

FAQ #07
Q: How can I get help in learning how to cut window mats?
A: Presenting images – guidelines

FAQ #09
Q: What is the maximum number of entries allowed per category in PACC competitions?
A: Check the print and digital guidelines

FAQ #10
Q: Can I recycle my print mats?
A: Yes

FAQ #11
Q: Where can I find the labels to add to the back of the prints during print competition?
A: Submitting print data to our server before competitions yields a print-ready sheet of data labels. Guidelines here

FAQ #12
Q: I lost my name tag. How can I get a new one?
A: You can print your very own name tag from this website. It’s located under the main menu option named “For Members > Print Name Tag

FAQ #13
Q: Where can I find the rules for the Annual Competitions?
A: Annual Competition

FAQ #15
Q: Where can I find out about field trips
A: Check our Field Trips calendar. Suggestions for new places are welcome!

FAQ #16
Q: Does the club have a list of knowledgeable members to whom I can submit questions about photography, digital imaging, etc.?
A: Submit question to our Groups.IO PACamera Discussion Group on the web, or visit our Mentoring Program page

FAQ #17
Q: I’m not happy with the judge’s assessment of my image. How can I get another opinion?
A: Re-enter your image at a future club competition

FAQ #18
Q: Where can I find out how to contact club officers or committee chairs?
A: Check the Club Officers and Committee Chairs page

FAQ #19
Q: I’d like to participate in print competitions, but I’m not yet ready to make my own prints and mats. Where can I order digital prints and precut mats/mounts online?
A: Check the Preparing Images for Competition guidelines

FAQ #21
Q: Where can I find out which educational programs have been held?
A: The list of programs can be found there

FAQ #22
Q: Can I re-enter images at a subsequent competition?
A: The same image may be entered on more than one occasion (provided it has not received a 1st, 2nd or 3rd place award). It may be entered in the same or different (but suitable) category

FAQ #23
Q: Where can I find out about private galleries in the Bay Area that feature fine art photography?
A: On our Museums & Galleries page

FAQ #24
Q: What is the club’s policy about displaying and protecting member images on the website?
A: Check our Digital Image Use Policy

FAQ #25
Q: How do I join the PACamera Groups.IO Group
A: In order to receive club announcements and participate in online discussions with other club members each member is added to two groups, Main@PACamera.Groups.IO (needed for technical reasons but should otherwise be ignored) and When you are added to these groups you will be notified via email. At that point you will start receiving emails from the group and may send emails to the group using email address Members@Pacamera.Groups.IO. If you wish to access the group online through a web browser, go to and select “Login”. Then fill in the same email address you used when you registered with the Club and click “Forgot your password, or don’t have one yet?” below the password field. This will step through a process to create a password that you can use from then on. Once logged on you may change your email delivery options using the “Subscription” button on the left column menu. If you have questions contact the Webmaster at the email address below

FAQ #26
Q: FAQ #26 Removed as it is no longer relevant.

FAQ #27
Q: How can I share an announcement about an award or exhibit I have been honored with?
A: Our club is fortunate to have many excellent photographers who are active participants in local and national/international competitions, and frequently receive awards and/or are exhibited in galleries. And we have always encouraged club members to keep us informed about their photographic honors. In general, members who wish to have their recognition posted should review the instructions in the “Members-News” link in the Club Information list on the upper right side of the home page. Within a few days of receiving the image and required information, this will be posted in the Members-in-the-News section near the bottom of our home page. Shortly thereafter, an announcement will be sent to the membership.

One last word. Although we try to keep on top of competition announcements and announce them to the membership it’s not possible to know about all the good ones. We encourage all members who learn about a competition that may be appropriate for our club members to either announce it (by copying the link) in an email to our Groups.IO PACamera Discussion Group, or to let the ‘MIN” chairpersons know by sending an email to .