Members in the News: How to submit Information for posting on our website


Members who wish to be recognized on our website for images that have been accepted for exhibit or publication (paper or web) should provide the following information.

  1. Details of the event (gallery or website):
  • Venue (or URL, if website)
  • Date/time of reception, plus beginning and end of the exhibit
  • DIRECT link to the page describing the event on the gallery’s website (if available)
  1. The title of your image(s)
  1. A flattened JPEG file of just one of your images
  • Approximately 500 px wide
  • Tagged w/ sRGB color profile
  1. Email this information and attached image to

Doing so ASAP after being notified of the acceptance will help the ‘Members-in-the-News (’MIN’) team publish posts promptly and then announce them to the membership. This is particularly important for the monthly shows at the Pacific Art League where it is common for several members to have their prints accepted. Delays in notifying us require burdensome re-editing of the initial posts each time.

Once the announcement has been posted, we will inform exhibiting members about the ‘MIN’ page link. About a week before the opening reception, we will send an announcement to the full membership.

For examples of past Members in the News postings,

If you have any questions or suggestions, contact us at the above email address.