On a periodic basis, PACC organizes group digital image reviews workshops for members.  Check the Calendar of Events for specific dates and locations.
These meetings are design to provide
- An opportunity for members to show images and work in progress and get feedback from other members
- An opportunity for members to learn directly from the makers through discussion
- An opportunity to practice and develop the ability to describe, question, analyses and appreciate images through language
- An opportunity to experiment with different ideas in real time during the meeting
- An opportunity to get to know better other members, especially new members
Member Image Review
Members are encouraged to bring in images for informal critique by attending members. The goal is to both allow the maker to share more about the image than is possible at our competition evenings, and for those attending to provide constructive feedback and suggestions for possibly improving the image and where practical trying some of those suggestions in real time using Adobe Lightroom. Â
This is not necessarily for showing your best work as in competitions, but rather for showing images that you like but are unsure of and wish input on. From past experience this type of interaction can be of value not only for the presenter but for other members who may have similar questions about their own images and how to improve them.
Each member is encouraged to bring 1 to 3 images (any category). Â Presenters will briefly (1-2 min.) talk about the image, their motivation and what they like or dislike about the image. With the help of moderators this will be followed by open discussion with members in the audience. Each image presentation will last about 5-10 minutes, depending on the number of entries.
These images can be those previously entered in competition for which you wish another opinion, or new images. Â
One to three digital images may be brought to the meeting on a pocket USB drive, formatted such that Windows can read it (formatted for FAT32), and can be in any standard format readable by Adobe Lightroom, including RAW. Â If you are bringing images fromr a camera model released in the last 9 months, it’s best not to bring the camera RAW file as our version of Lightroom may not yet have been updated for that camera. Â For post production experiments during the meeting RAW images work better in most cases. Â If you would like to being in a “Body of Work” (BOW) consisting of up to a dozen or so related images, contact the Digital Chair ahead of time to make arrangements.
Plan to arrive early so our Digital Chair has time to enter the files on our laptop.