Technical Workshops

On a periodic basis, PACC organizes technology workshops for members.  Check the Calendar of Events for specific dates and locations.

These meetings are design to provide technical training in the more popular image editing and management software such as Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop.  Other technologies such as advanced camera controls, may also be presented from time to time.  At each session a few specific tools, techniques or methods will be described and demonstrated in a full interactive mode where audience questions and suggestions are welcomed throughout the workshop.

Lightroom Workshop

On a periodic basis we provide training sessions on one or more topics in Lightroom.  The topics will vary from session to session but will mostly revolve around the Library and Develop modules.  Suggestions ahead of time are encouraged (send email to or directly to the current Digital Chair Person).  The level of the training will vary depending on topic but in most cases will be applicable to newer users of Lightroom but in many (most?) cases will also be useful for more experienced users. Questions and suggestions are welcome.

Photoshop Workshop

Similar to the Lightroom Workshops, we will periodically provide training sessions on selected topics in Photoshop. We will focus on photo editing tasks which can be done more effectively in Photoshop than in Lightroom. The level of training will vary depending on the topic and the experience level of the attendees.  Suggestions for topics are welcome – please send them to or directly to the  current Digital Chair Person.