Shinnan Kiang
PACC Member since 2009

Currently volunteers with the Club as None
I was born and raised in Taiwan; presently retired from the medical profession and live with my family in San Francisco Bay Area, California.

The passion of photography was planted early on in my life, but took a backseat to other responsibilities as my medical practice and family took precedence. Over the last decades I was able to devote more time to the art. Through formal photography class at a community college, extensive self-study, and photographic explorations with the professionals, I have honed the technical skill and aesthetic vision in landscape and wildlife photography. In recent years the participation in Palo Alto Camera Club has further improved my making of photographs.

The love of adventurous travel and love of nature have brought me to each of the continents, with journeys spanning the farthest reaches of the earth. My works are shown in my website: While browsing through the images, see and "feel" the magical light, immerse in the greatness of nature, and appreciate the wondrous wildlife in their natural habitat. I hope you will be inspired and find peace and joy in life.

My favorite equipment
Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 7D

Portfolio selection
I'm working on it.

How to update your PACC member gallery.