Stan Chism
PACC Member since 01/01/2006

Currently volunteers with the Club as None
My interest in photography was kindled at about age 8 when I watched my father develop black and white images in our basement. Seeing the magic of an image appear in the Dektol was a transforming experience that has lasted life long. My major photographic interests are people, portraits, and other cultures encountered in travel. Recently, I have begun to experiment with in-camera double exposures, abstracts, and non-identifiable imagery (i.e. "funky fotos").

My favorite equipment
My film cameras include a Nikkormat, Olympus OM-1, Mamiya RB 6X7, and a 4 X 5 Film view Camera. About 10 years ago I "converted" to digital and now use Olympus OMD cameras for travel and a Canon 5 D Mark II for local photos.

Portfolio selection
I'm working on it.

How to update your PACC member gallery.