Peter Paluzzi
PACC Member since 01/01/2011

Currently volunteers with the Club as None
“To see life, to see the world, to witness great events....” This is what Henry R. Luce wrote in his 1936 prospectus for “Life” magazine. Every week, “Life” brought photographic narratives that captured the eye and imagination. “Life” also inspired my interest and passion for images and photographs. Every week, through pictures, I gained glimpses of people and places that peaked my curiosity. My first introduction to really great photography and photographers came from the pages Life's mostly black and white images.

This inspiration led me to a life long personal and professional connection to photography and imaging. As I look back on the photographs I’ve taken through the years, I have come to recognize them as mileposts or waypoints. These markers connect me to the influences, subjects and life episodes that have shaped the way I see and how I perceive life.

Personal Canon (a work in progress):

Still Life: Edward Weston, Josef Sudek
Environment: Robert Adams, Joel Sternfeld, Steven Shore, Carlton Watkins
Portraiture: Yousuf Karsh, Edward Curtis, Nicholas Nixon, George Hurrell

My favorite equipment
I use am currently exploring the possibilities afforded by Large Format view cameras

Portfolio selection

  • Aeonium at Lake Shrine
  • Forest of Masts
  • Childhood's End
  • Pacific Calm
  • Pfeiffer Beach
  • Survivor 2013
  • Tafoni
  • Worn Path
  • Early Morning Harbor

How to update your PACC member gallery.