Deborah Plumley
PACC Member since 01/01/2008

Currently volunteers with the Club as None
I first became interested in photography while taking photo workshops at Pt. Reyes. These workshops were focused on taking macro photos of wild flowers.

In my photographs I simplify the subject to emphasize form (lines, curves, shapes, spirals, pattern) and to enhance color or monochrome. I enjoy photographing a subject up-close with a macro lens. And I also take photographs of landscapes, cityscapes, and architecture.

The major goals of my photography are to:
*** Make an emotional impact on the viewer
*** Celebrate the beauty in this world

I love the learning opportunities offered in PACC events, and also the friendship with other photographers.

Following a 20-year career in Hewlett-Packard, I now focus on my photography projects and a local book club.

My favorite equipment
My favorite lens is the Nikon Macro 105mm

Portfolio selection

  • Metallic Raindrops

How to update your PACC member gallery.