Nadine Levin
PACC Member since 08/21/2016

Currently volunteers with the Club as None
My only experience with photography prior to about six years ago was a Kodak Brownie Camera that I received for my 10th birthday. Used it for awhile and loved the sound and smell of the flash bulbs.
While working full-time (in city management and consulting) and raising a family I enjoyed going to photographic galleries but did not photograph other than using an early version of the digital camera for snapshots of the family.
About six years ago I took at class at Stanford Continuing Education in film photography and used an old Minolta and spent time in the darkroom. Loved it! Took a few more film classes and then moved to my first digital camera (Canon Rebel T3i). More classes, gallery visits, learning from club members and I become a photography enthusiast. Constantly learning the plethora of skills in capture and post processing and trying to master the foundations of light and composition.

My favorite equipment
Sony A7R111
Sony 24-70 lens
Godox TT330 flash

Portfolio selection

  • Sands of Time
  • If not for the Light and Shadow...
  • Slice of Life in Vilnus
  • Wearing the Colors in Black and White
  • Arms Up Say It All
  • Colors and Canals of Amsterdam
  • Leah in her Studio
  • Eye of the Catcus
  • Water Like Ballerinas
  • Famous Photographer with his 'fake'Camera
  • Laundry Day in the Village
  • God's Rays in the Mark

How to update your PACC member gallery.