Anne MacKenzie Award Winners


Elaine Heron
Morning at the Lake


Nadine Levin
Sands of Time


Stan Chism: "It is an honor to receive the Anne MacKenzie award and join the group of outstanding photographers who have been honored before. Anne MacKenzie and I often conversed about what makes a good photograph ‘good’. Her aesthetic sense about fine art photography was very informing and has been a conscious goal for me ever since. I am grateful to her and to the club for their influences on my photographic art as I try to make ‘good photographs’."


Stan Chism: "I am really honored to be associated with the admirable artistic stature of Anne MacKenzie and the previous winners of this award. Anne is/was an admirable artist, photographer and an exceptionally gracious woman."


Philippe Cailloux: "It is a great surprise and special honor to receive the Anne MacKenzie award again. My progress as a fine art photographer is in great measure attributable to the encouragement and support of my fellow club members, to whom I owe my deepest gratitude."

(From co-webmaster Laurie Naiman: "Before the awards I asked Philippe if he could take some photographs of the winner of this award for our website, and he agreed. His surprise is therefore truly genuine, obliging him to hand off his camera to another member.")


Nicholas Fullagar ('Jellyfish'): ""Still can't believe it - so many great images, so many talented makers." (Confession: This is not a jellyfish. It's an image of fireworks bursting on the beach at night-time, converted to a negative in order to save black ink. It just looks like a jellyfish.)


Bill Jackson: ”I am moved and deeply appreciate receiving this year’s Anne MacKenzie Award. She was a very special lady and this is a very special award.“


Philippe Cailloux


Branko Randonjic