Cultures in Transition: Spirit-Heart-Soul

Community Presentation - open to the public
with Oliver Klink

Wednesday, 15 May, 2019
No charge. Capacity limited.
Register at Eventbrite.

7 - 9 pm Palo Alto Art Center Auditorium

Cultures in Transition explores the changes that people go through, the subtleties that make their life evolve, their spiritual guiding light. As a boy in Switzerland, Klink had dreams of becoming an explorer, to follow his deep curiosity and hunger to understand what makes people who they are. In 2001, he made his first trip to China with his wife and in-laws, who had left their country in the 1970’s. Their stories were riveting and became the catalyst for Klink 30 trips in the next 15 years to five Asian Countries (Bhutan, China, India, Mongolia, Myanmar). He photographed environmental portraits of the continuity between family, work, and spirituality. There was no separation, but peoples’ concerns about how ‘progress’ can create disconnection and alienation between themselves and their communities became more evident. This fluidity of life is at the core of Cultures in Transition. More information about the project can be found at

Join us for an instructive and inspiring presentation and conversation about Oliver Klink’s project, where he will share what it took to publish an award winning book and traveling exhibit. Signed books will be available for purchase.

Capacity limited. Register at Eventbrite.

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