Biophilia – Painting with Light

Special Program
with Robert Buelteman

Thursday, 21 March, 2019
no charge

7 - 9pm Palo Alto Art Center Auditorium

Photographer Robert Buelteman's new work depicts flora through the remarkable technique of high-voltage, fiber-optically illuminated photogrammetry. A review in Wired magazine describes the camera-less technique as "a combination of Frankenstein and Georgia O' dangerous and laborious that no one else will attempt it-even if they could get through all the steps." Each image can take as many as 100 attempts before Buelteman has a piece worthy of exhibition.

Robert's work is represented in many major museums internationally, and appears in fifteen published
portfolios. He developed his love of landscape growing up on the Peninsula and has received numerous prizes over a 40 year career in photography.  Visit

His current exhibit can be seen from March 2 - April 15 at Art Ventures Gallery, 888 Santa Cruz Ave. MP

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