Prints by Members Judy Kramer and Diana O’Keefe Brady Accepted into the Pacific Art League’s First Annual Artist Showcase

The following member(s):
Judy Kramer and Diana O'Keefe Brady

Were featured at:
Pacific Art League

Friday, 7 December, 2018

Prints by PACC members Judy Kramer and Diana O'Keefe Brady have been accepted into the Pacific Art League's First Annual Artist Showcase (2018).  Each juried artist's works are displayed in a "mini-gallery" with several pieces of a connected theme.  Shown below are Judy's "Begonia" and Diana's "Proud Mama", respectively.

Reception:  Friday, December 7, 2018, 5:30-8:00 pm

Pacific Art League
668 Ramona Street
Palo Alto

There is free parking across Ramona Street in the Civic Center garage.

The exhibition runs December 7 - 27. 
