Prints by PACC Members Accepted into the Exhibit “Salon at the Triton: 2017”

The following member(s):
Elaine Heron, Judy Kramer, Peter Paluzzi

Were featured at:

Saturday, 11 November, 2017

Reception: 19 November, 2017 from 2 - 4pm
Exhibit:  11 November 2017 - 4 February 2018

Prints by members Elaine Heron ("Skeleton Men"), Judy Kramer ("Arizona Blonde") and Peter Paluzzi ("Migration) have been accepted into the Exhibit "Salon at the Triton 2017' at the Triton Museum of Art in Santa Clara.

Elaine Heron ("Skeleton Men")

Peter Paluzzi ("Migration) 

Judy Kramer ("Arizona Blonde")