Exhibit at Avenue 25 Gallery

with PACC Members

March 7 2017 - April 21 2017

Charles Anselmo is curating a print exhibit for PACC photographers only. The exhibit will be at the Avenue 25 Gallery in San Mateo in March. You must submit 10 jpeg images directly to him at imagecuba@gmail.com for his consideration. Each member that submits will have at least one, and up to three, images accepted. It costs each member $20 to participate. Here is the timetable:

Image jpeg submission deadline: February 11th
Notification of chosen images: February 15th
Date to drop off framed prints: March 7th, noon to 2pm
Reception date: Saturday, March 11th, 1 to 4pm
Pickup date: Friday, April 21st, noon to 2pm


CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS from Charles Anselmo:

As some of you may know, I'm curator at Avenue 25 Gallery in San Mateo and am always looking for engaging photography exhibits to stage, whether solo or group shows.

I'd like to send out this Call for Submissions for a PACC group show starting early March. We've had great response with the Avenue 25 shows, while building a relationship with the viewing public through a myriad of past receptions.

The March exhibit will encompass about fifty framed photographic prints. Dependent upon the number of images submitted and the variety of the work overall, each PACC participant is guaranteed the inclusion of one to three framed prints. The exhibit will run from March 7th through April 21st.

The show is broadly themed in order to embrace a wide variety of images: portrait work, street photography, landscape, the natural environment, abstract, etc.

"Images / Place Memory"
Photographs by the Palo Alto Camera Club

What are the places that speak to us most cogently? What personal histories are disclosed by images of home and familiarity, and what emotional states are emergent when we return to these sites in memory? What makes old places resonant with security, and how can new places elicit a sense of renewal and revision? How does the new place that is found when traveling sometimes touch upon the most known and familiar images in memory? And what do you value about that familiar arena, about home, that you wish to remain the same?

These issues find form in many visual symbols, whether they be photographs of physical objects or small details that represent a sense of place, landscapes that mnemonically summon the past, images of faces that replay past dialogs, or simply favorite places that represent a time before change.

Do images of place tie together human experience in a kind of collective memory? T. S. Eliot suggested that the "objective correlative" of place is all around us as sensory experience that, once understood, is expressed as a larger theme through collectively held emotions. Will your images embody a resonant place memory for your viewers, or will they prompt different memories that are nonetheless sparked by the texture of nuances that visually comprise your own experience?

Participation will require the submission of ten jpegs of your strongest images, sized at approximatly 1000 pixels across. The deadline for sending your jpegs to me is February 11th. Please send to imagecuba@gmail.com.

Prints can be around 12 x 18" before framing, and larger if you prefer. 30 x 24" frames are fine. Framing style and color is entirely up to you. If you're concerned about cost, have a look at www.framedestination.com. This is an excellent frame kit company that many exhibitors from our prior shows have successfully used for low-cost frame kits that fit.

A $20 fee from each participant will help support the cost of printing an announcement show card and will also cover basic provisions at the reception. Please send your check to:
Charles Anselmo
655 Park Road
Redwood City CA 94062

Cards will be made available in advance to all photographers, and email promotion will occur through my personal database of email addresses as well as the website for the Peninsula Library System, owner of the premises at Avenue 25 Gallery.

The gallery is located at:
32 West 25th Avenue, 2nd Floor
San Mateo CA 94403.

If you have questions please contact me by email at any time and I'll promptly respond. In the interim, I look forward to working with you and know your work is destined to contribute to the building of a uniquely engaging show that your friends, relatives and associates will very much enjoy.

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