How to add a post to the Knowledge Base

In order to add a post to this section
  • Go to the Dashboard, select Posts -> Add New.
  • Create a title for the post.
  • Enter text of the post itself.
  • Select the “Knowledge” category for the post.
  • Publish the post.
The post you just created should show up on the Knowledge Base page. Now, to allow comments to the post I do the following (there must be an easier way to do this):
  • From the Dashboard, select Posts -> All Posts.
  • Click the Quick Edit link
  • Check the box “Comments”
  • Update the post.
This will enable users to add a comment to a post. They will need to click on the post title (on the Knowledge Base page itself). That will take you to the original post, where you should see a comment box. You will be able to enter more information about that topic in the comment box. I current see no easy way, using the plug in that is currently active on our site, of incorporating the comments on the KB page itself.
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