Black & White: The PACC’s Keeble & Shuchat Exhibit

December 10, 2015 - January 13, 2016

Reception Saturday, December 19, 2015
2PM to 5PM

The Palo Alto Camera Club (PACC) was founded in 1935 by a group of avid amateur local photographers. During those early years inspiration and role models included a group of 7 important California photographers such as Imogen Cunningham, Ansel Adams, and Edward Weston. In 1932 seven of these photographers formed one of the most famous and influential “camera clubs” in history—Group f/64. Their dominant medium utilized black and white film and large format view cameras. They became masters at printing luminous black and white prints that set photography apart from oil painting as an art medium.

Many changes have occurred in photography since those early years of Group f64—color prints, digital cameras, video, and now the ubiquitous cell phone “selfies” among them—but the unique attributes of a beautiful black and white print remain unchanged. It is in this tradition that we offer black and white prints made by members of the PACC in celebration of our 80th anniversary year.

Come in, appreciate our portfolio, and recall the “black and white print” art form that is most uniquely associated with photography as fine art.

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