Annual Holiday Party & Photo Challenge

with All members and spouses/partners

Thursday, 8 December, 2015

Our Holiday Party this year will be held at the Palo Alto ART CENTER on Thu Dec 8 at 7:00 pm .

All members (and spouses/partners) are encouraged to attend, and bring a light dish (finger food style, appetizer, dessert or beverage). (This is not a supper.). ALSO, remember to wear your name badge.

It has been our custom to highlight these parties with a photo challenge theme. The theme will again be a "Humorous Photo Caption Contest", similar to that of the Cartoon Caption Contest currently on the back page of The New Yorker Magazine. An online version of this page may be viewed at The goal of the photo challenge is to determine who can come up with the cleverest/funniest caption for an image (makers cannot provide captions for their own print).  The maker of that image will also receive an award. To enhance the challenge we recommend bringing a print where the humor is neither too obvious nor too subtle.

A prize will be awarded to the winner of each of the above challenges, based on voting by those in attendance.

Prints may be any size, mounted or not, and must be brought to the party. Upon presentation of your image to the Contest Administrator a coded number will be assigned to your print. All participants, whether they bring a print or not, will be eligible to suggest captions. Details of entering your caption and method of choosing winners will be explained. Questions and comments may be sent to

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