Cuba Prints by Members Robert Schonfisch & Charles Anselmo in upcoming Museum Exhibit in San Luis Obispo

The following member(s):
Robert Schonfisch, Charles Anselmo

Were featured at:
San Luis Obispo Museum of Art , San Luis Obispo

Friday, 7 August, 2015

(From PRESS RELEASE): In February, 2014, eight California photographers followed fine art photographer Charles Anselmo into Havana on a cultural tour. One week later, they left Cuba with hearts filled with affection for the friendly and generous Cuban people, and with heads spinning with the sights and sounds of a country seemingly living in the past. It was an amazing experience!

They ventured from the touristy Habana Vieja (“Old Havana”) into the vibrant neighborhoods where the local residents socialized and played in the streets – and sometimes welcomed the photographers into their homes.  Deteriorating buildings, built in the early twentieth century, practically crumbled before their eyes. Son and Danzon music filled the air as they watched swaying dancers in the plaza. Old American cars, now many of them taxis, paraded up and down the Malecon, Havana’s long seafront.

This unique photography exhibit presents significant – and sometimes emotional - images from the Cuban tour.  It includes 3 prints each from club members Robert Schonfisch (sample, left image below) &  group leader Charles Anselmo (sample, right image below),  as well as prints by seven photographers from the Central CA Coast.  A collection of the photographers’ Havana images will be displayed in a slideshow throughout the exhibit in the McMeen Gallery.

An opening reception will be held at the gallery on Friday, August 7,  from 6 - 9pm. The show runs through Aug 30.  On Sat Aug 8 at 2pm, Charles Anselmo will discuss  "Cuba, Social Context and the Photographic Image" in the Nybak Wing of the museum.

Location: McMeen Gallery, San Luis Obispo Museum of Art.  1010 Broad St., San Luis Obispo, CA (MAP & directions)