Prints by Three PACC Members in July Exhibit at Pacific Art League

The following member(s):
Judy Kramer, Peter Paluzzi, Deborah Plumley

Were featured at:
Pacific Art League (PAL)

Friday, 3 July, 2015

The following PACC member prints will be in a PAL Member Exhibit running from July 3 thru July 30, 2015. From left to right they are: "I've looked at clouds from both sides now" (Judy Kramer), "Meditation" (Peter Paluzzi), and "Dawn: Pt. Reyes" (Deborah Plumley).

The opening reception is Friday, July 3rd, 5:30 - 8 PM at 668 Ramona Street (at Forest) in downtown Palo Alto. Free parking in the City underground garage across Ramona.