Finding Your Voice

Special Program
with David & Ally McKay

Wednesday, 27 August, 2014

7:30-9:30pm at Lucy Evans Palo Alto Baylands Nature Center

David & Ally will be presenting ideas around how to find your photographic 'voice'.

"As professional photographers for the past 26 years, there have been times in our career where our voice has suffered. We do not mean our vocal abilities, rather our photographic voice. Our ability to go deep within and through our work, convey life moments, dreams and scenes, the way we knew were possible, yet could not seem to find. Just as a writer’s block can set in for an author, there have been those times of “photographic block” in our lives. Not the ability to actually take a decent picture, but the ability to find within ourselves that passion that drew us into photography in the first place. Times when it
seems that for a variety of reasons, that passionate calling inside us to share with the world through photography has been quenched. Times when inspiration has faltered, complacency has set in, and the day to day “trappings” of life have quieted that ability to “speak”.

Our hope is to stir in you that deep longing to get back out there and find that which may seem hidden. That through sharing our personal journey of discovery, you will seek and find your own unique voice that no one else has. That you will find what it is in photography that makes you tick and allows others to feel in a photograph, your passion, joy, pain, perspective and the way YOU see that no one else can. To reconnect with that photographic voice that makes you ….you! After all, isn’t the reason you photograph
to capture moments? Moments as you see them? Moments as you feel them? Moments as you experience them?

Your voice should be as unique and individualized as you are. This is the first step in being authentic to that which you are as an image maker."

The McKay’s

David 5x7
David McKay
M. Photog, Cr. CPP
David and Ally McKay own McKay Photography, a very successful fine art portrait studio in El Dorado Hills, CA. Together; they share their passion of photography with others with their company McKay Photography Academy
The McKay’s are two of an elite group of photographers to ever earn the title of “Master of
Photography” and “Craftsmen Photographer” from Professional Photographers of America, the leading Photography organization in the world.
Having spoken to both Professional Photography organizations and amateur photographers
around the world, they have a passion for teaching and they have a heart to inspire all those they meet and speak to.

Ally 5x7

Ally McKay
M. Photog, Cr.
Owner / Director of Education
The McKay’s also have a tremendous heart and compassion for the hurting of this world. They have traveled to some of the poorest nation’s on earth photographing, documenting and sharing the needs of others through their images.
The McKay’s have had both their studio portraiture and their fine art images, awarded on an international level. Their images have been seen in publications, news stories, mission
organizations and exhibited at the Professional Photographers of America Image Competitions. David and Ally live in El Dorado Hills, CA with their four children and two dogs.

David & Ally's workshops around the world are listed on the McKay Photography Academy website at:

You can find their photographs at McKay Photography

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