Charlotte Gibb – Get Intimate: Making a Personal Statement with Intimate Landscapes

Special Program
with Charlotte Gibb

Wednesday, 20 May, 2020
no charge

Like any other skill, training the eye and mind to see beyond the grand landscape takes practice. That’s why Intimate Landscapes challenge the photographer’s creativity, and can ultimately lead to work that is authentic and truly original.

In this presentation, we'll explore ways to create photographs that convey your own unique connection with nature and reflect your own personal vision. I share all I know about photography, art, and design to offer new ways of seeing the landscape and telling your visual story. From how to approach a subject to which compositional tools to use, you’ll be shown how to see differently in the field, and to make images that are not only captivating, but also lasting, satisfying and a source of pride.


Charlotte earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in graphic design from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. She began her career in the advertising business as an art director in the 1990s, then operated her own graphic design firm for 15 years before selling the business and immersing into the craft of photography. Her traditional darkroom has since been replaced with digital darkroom tools, and her style has moved from a journalistic approach to one that pays tribute to the natural world.
Frequently symbolic, and with an eye towards the subtle and sometimes overlooked elements of nature, her photographs are not meant to be pretty postcards, but rather frames that celebrate nature’s form, line, shape, color, and texture. Again and again, she returns to both well-known and secret places to observe the changes brought about by the seasons, light and weather. Everything she knows about the technology of modern photography combines with her artistic aesthetic to create images that show the natural world differently.

Charlotte writes and publishes on the subject of photography and creativity, keynotes for several photography events, serves as judge for many photography competitions, and exhibits her work throughout California. She can usually be found tromping with her camera bag in the wilderness areas around her home state, the Sierra Nevada range, and Yosemite National Park.

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