Paper Selection in Printing & Other Considerations

Special Program
with Charles Cramer

Thursday, 20 June, 2019
no charge

 7 - 9 pm
Palo Art Center Auditorium

"Charlie is one of America’s greatest living landscape photographers, an artist whose poetic vision of colour in the western landscape has inspired thousands of fans, collectors, students and photographers...Joe Cornish Galleries, North Yorkshire

Charles Cramer is a master of photography and printmaking as well as a concert pianist. A friend of Ansel Adams, Charles worked with and learned from Adams for many years. He was one of the first landscape photographers to work with the digital darkroom, recognizing the computer as a means to control color and realize his artistic interpretation of the scene. The end goal of Charles’ photography has always been to make beautiful prints and that is evident in his work. Many of his large-format color photographs are from Yosemite and the Southwest, but his portfolio consists of stunning images from Hawaii, the east coast, Antarctica and other areas.


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