Prints by 6 club members accepted for exhibit in the May 2014 exhibit at the Pacific Art League

The following member(s):
Judy Kramer, Deborah Plumley, Peter Paluzzi, Vidya Narasimhan, Stan Chism and Elaine Heron

Were featured at:
Pacific Art League

Fri May 2, 2014

Prints by club members Judy Kramer, Deborah Plumley and Peter Paluzzi have been accepted for exhibit in the May "Photography: Writing with Light" juried exhibit at the Pacific Art League. Brian Taylor of SJSU’s Art Dept was the curator.

Judy’s images are titled "Reach for the Sky" (left in attached composite) and "Agave Shadows. Deborah’s images are titled "Blue Dahlia" (center) and "Shell Spiral”. Peter’s images are titled ‘Tracks in Time’ (right) and ‘Path Prints’.

Other members in the exhibit include Vidya Narasimhan, Stan Chism and Elaine Heron - for a total of six.

The exhibit will run May 2-22, 2014, at the gallery annex at 227 Forest Avenue in downtown Palo Alto. Opening reception is 5:30-8 PM on Friday, May 2.