Los Altos Hills Town Hall Art Exhibit by Members of the Palo Alto Camera Club

The following member(s):
Group exhibit by members of the Palo Alto Camera Club

Were featured at:
Los Altos Hills Town Hall

Mar 9 - Aug 28, 2014

Place: Los Altos Town Hall (MAP) (Business hours: Mon-Fri, 8-12 and 1-5)
Dates: Mar 9 - Aug 28, 2014
Public Reception: Sun  Mar 30, 2014, 2-5 pm
Docent tour/talk: May 9, 2014, 10 am - noon. Charles Anselmo’s “talk and walk” presentation on Cuba and the Cuba images
Prints on Exhibit:  General   Cuba

Early in 2013, Karen Druker, Art Curator for the Town of Los Altos Hills, invited the Palo Alto Camera Club to submit members’ art for a curated exhibit at the Town Hall, opening early in 2014.

The club, honored to receive this invitation, is well known for the high caliber and artistic value of  its members’ work,  which has been recognized in competitions and exhibits both locally and nationally. Public exhibits of members’ art have taken place in a number of local galleries and venues, including the Pacific Art League, Stanford University, the Filoli Center (Woodside) and the Palo Alto City Hall. In addition, since 2009, the club has been invited to provide a series of solo theme-based exhibits by various members at Stevenson House, an affordable senior living community in South Palo Alto.

Founded in 1935, the Palo Alto Camera Club (PACC) consists of a group of over 100 serious amateur and some professional photographers interested in working together to enhance and broaden their photographic skills and artistic vision. This is achieved through regular meetings, critiques and discussions, field trips and informal communication. (www.pacamera.com)

PACC is co-sponsored by the City of Palo Alto Division of Arts and Sciences, enabling its use of city facilities for our meetings. Club members volunteer their skills and services in various projects with the City, including documenting special events and programs, such as the Cultural Kaleidoscope (CK), an Art Center program supporting art in the schools.  A percentage of proceeds from print sales at this exhibit will be donated to the CK program.

PACC member Bill Jackson, experienced in organizing several of our past exhibits, has taken on the task of coordinating the current exhibit, assisted by several able and willing committee members.

In order to accommodate the wide range of photographic subjects and interests among club members we have chosen a broad theme entitled “Capturing Light: The World as We See It”. The exhibit will be divided into two  subject categories: (i) General, and (ii) Cuba. The latter came about from field workshops in Havana, Cuba over the past few years led by club member and fine art professional photographer and instructor Charles Anselmo.

We wish to thank all who helped with this show, in particular Karen Druker for encouraging us to participate, Bill Jackson for ‘carrying the ball’ throughout, our artist judges Charles Anselmo and Robert Kato, Marvin Wax for his professional design and layout of the catalog/book, and Philippe Cailloux for his technical expertise in carrying it all to fruition.

Laurie Naiman