Annual Competition 2013

December 1 - 31, 2013

Midnight, Saturday, December 7 is the deadline for adding NEW print images for consideration in the Annual Print competition.  If you want to add up to 9 new print images to the list of prints you entered into the 2013 monthly contests this is the ONLY time you can do it.

During the last two weeks of December you will actually submit your PRINT and DIGITAL images to the annual contest.  At that time, the ONLY prints you can choose from to submit to the contest are print entries you previously entered into any of the 2013 monthly print competitions (for which you will NOT be able to change the category) plus those you register THIS WEEK THROUGH DECEMBER 7TH.



§         The annual competition is actually 3 separate competitions

1.       Digital photos

2.      Printed photos

3.      Anne MacKenzie Award (Prints entered in annual print competition are automatically entered in Anne MacKenzie Contest)

§         Same Categories as monthly competitions

§         Limit up to 18 prints and up to 18 digital images per person and no more than 3 images in any one category within each competition.

§         Of the images entered in each competition, no more than 9 may be images that were not shown in that years monthly competitions.

§         Any image which in the opinion of the judge is essentially the same as another image from the same maker will be awarded no more than one award however is still eligible for an Ann MacKenzie award.


12/1 - 12/7        Members can add up to 9 NEW PRINT images.  Later in December you will be able to choose your actual submissions from all your monthly competition entries plus those added in this time frame.  Use the same process as for monthly competitions.

12/8 - 12/14        Members can upload up to 9 NEW DIGITAL images.  Later in December you will be able to choose your actual submissions from all your monthly competition entries plus those uploaded in this time frame.  Use the same process as for monthly competitions.

12/15 - 12/31        Select and submit up to 18 print and up to 18 digital images from those entered in the prior 2 weeks and those previously entered into any of the corresponding monthly competitions.

1/1 – 1/15         Physical print delivery period

1/15 – 2/15       Judging period

February         Awards Night

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