Member Glenn Edens will be having a solo exhibit of 47 prints at Keeble and Shuchat Gallery

The following member(s):
Glenn Edens

Were featured at:
Keeble and Shuchat Gallery

Aug 15 to Sept 11, 2013

Member Glenn Edens will be having a solo exhibit of 47 prints at Keeble and Shuchat Gallery, entitled "Places, Spaces, Marks & Arcs". Places shares his passion for the natural landscape and the unique beauty of the American West. Spaces explores his fascination with architecture and constructed spaces. Marks examines signage and the defacing act of graffiti as art. Arcs presents a fanciful study of pure light and color.

The show runs from August 15 - September 11, 2013, with an opening reception on Sat Aug 17 from 2 - 5 pm. The gallery is located above the main store at 290 S. California Avenue in midtown Palo Alto.