Video for Still Photographers

Special Program
with Bart Selby

Wednesday, 23 October, 2013

Bart will provide an overview of DSLR video capabilities and limitations, gear including editing software, audio mixing and music, briefly cover cellphone and tablet use also. He will show you how you can use short videos to support your stills, introduce your work or yourself and better tell a story.  

At it's core filmmaking is using images to tell a story, if a picture is worth a thousand words short clips are novels!  

You will also meet the GoPro, a tiny go anywhere video camera that can also shoot stills, it is a tool every photographer should be aware of.  

This will be an interactive session with plenty of time for discussion.  We will see a few video clips and shorts shot on tablets, the GoPro and DSLRs.

Bart's introduction to photography was borrowing his dad's Super 8 film camera to make movies with his friends in high school. Torn between wanting to be a cinematographer and a marine biologist, he listened to his practical father and studied engineering and business, settling for still photography as a hobby. He recently returned to the classroom, completing the Producing and Directing Program at Berkeley Digital Film Institute. 

He now divides his time between stills and video, and has found a way to incorporate both into professional and volunteer work.  He is consulting for a start up near night vision camera company founded by an Academy Award winning nature cinematographer, assisting with marketing and managing a project that modifies the popular GoPro camera, adding longer length massive depth of field lenses. 

His volunteer work includes The Ocean Ambassadors Program- helping to promote California's new network of marine protected areas, he is an on the water naturalist with NOAA's Team Ocean in Monterey and Elkhorn Slough and serves on the Citizen Advisory Board of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. Bart is one of only a handful of people to complete the 25 mile solo unsupported crossing of Monterey Bay by kayak, a feat he accomplished in 2010.

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