Art in Public Places Collection

Dec 13, 2010 - Jan 27, 2011

The Palo Alto Camera Club has accepted an invitation from the Palo Alto Public Art Commission to photograph their complete outdoor art collection of approximately 70 sculptures, plus a number of murals and functional artworks. These images will be used to complement the commission’s online database and will be available for inclusion in printed materials and other communications.

The City of Palo Alto‘s Public Art Commission, operating through the Division of Arts & Sciences, has acquired over 300 works of art which have been placed throughout the city. Samples of the art may be seen here. These include the well-known trompe l'oeil murals of figures/vignettes by painter Greg Brown on buildings in the downtown area, painted utility boxes, sculptures in parks and business streets, installations and other two-dimensional works. There is also a map of the locations of some of the art.

An exhibit of 18 framed photographs (a small sampling of the art collection) will be on display in the lobby of City Hall at 250 Hamilton Avenue from Monday Dec 13 through Thursday, January 27th, 2011. A public reception for the exhibit will be held in the same place on Fri Jan 7 from 5:30 - 7:30 pm. (Same evening as the reception at Pacific Art League across Ramona at Forest.)  Free parking is available in the garage under City Hall (entrance on Ramona St between Hamilton and Forest Ave).

The Palo Alto Camera Club, founded in 1935, is a group of over one hundred serious amateur (and professional) photographers interested in working together to enhance and broaden their photographic skills and artistic vision. In addition, through volunteering their skills and talent in support of activities with the City of Palo Alto, the Palo Alto Art Center, local schools and other nonprofit organizations, they hope to benefit the greater community.

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