Lightroom Tutorial

By Dan Hartford For Palo Alto Camera Club Members

ATTENTION:  This tutorial is for LR Classic with sections updated through LR7.2 (as well as most prior versions of LR (LR1 through LR6).  This also applies to Lightroom CC/2015 (through October 18, 2017).  On 10/18/2017, Adobe renamed the versions of Lightroom we’d been using to “Lightroom Classic” also being called LR7.   Starting with this release you can no longer buy LR, you can only rent it on a subscription plan.  The name “Lightroom CC” is now being used by Adobe to refer to a new Lightroom product separate from, but in many ways overlapping  “Lightroom Classic”.   

All references to “Lightroom CC” in these tutorials refer to the pre 10/18/2017 CC version of Lightroom (LR CC/2015) and not the new “Lightroom CC” product.   As I make updates related to the newly named Classic (LR7) version I will note this in the index.   Adding the new Lightroom CC product to this set of documents will take some time so unless specifically stated are not included

This collection of Lightroom (LR) tutorials was developed by, and offered to, PACC (Palo Alto Camera Club) members by Dan Hartford who retains all rights to its contents. This material is being made available, free of charge, to club members according to the terms of use below. These terms of use apply to all documents, images, screen shots and other material presented in this series.

TERMS OF USE: This material is being made available for the use of PACC club members and their immediate family living in the same household as the club member. Permission is given for each club member to make 1 physical (printed) copy for their own personal and immediate family use. Each club member may also store an electronic version of this material on their personal computer (including backup copies) as long as said computer is used only by the club member along with his/her immediate family.

Permission is NOT given to make more than one printed copy nor to distribute this material in any form (physical, electronic, or other) to any non club member except as permitted in the paragraph above, or to post electronic copies of any or all of this material, in whole or in part, in any location where it is accessible to anyone outside of the club member or their immediate family living in the same household without the expressed written permission of Dan Hartford.

This TOC will be revised as sections of this series are posted or updated.  Major Revisions will produce a new “V” number and publish date.  Minor cosmetic, grammatical, or clarity changes will keep the same “V”number but will get a new publish date.  The LR or CC versions show which LR version the text has been verified against.

A) General Overview

B) Library Module

C) Develop Module

D) Map Module

E) Slideshow Module

F) Book Module

In my opinion, the Book Module is not yet ready for serious use so I will not be adding tutorial sections for it until they beef it up in a future release of Lightroom.

G) Print Module

H) Web Module (future section)

I) Other Topics (In Development)

  • I01 – Tethered shooting (In Development)
  • I02 – If you want to (In Development)

J) Other


Q) FAQ’s – Q&A


Z) Release Notes