ANNUAL PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTS LECTURE: Cole Thompson presents “Why Black and White”

Special Program
with Cole Thompson

Wednesday, 24 October, 2012
Free and open to the public

Renowned black and white fine art photographer Cole Thompson will be giving the Palo Alto Camera Club's Annual Photographic Arts Lecture for 2012.  This is a presentation on why Cole loves black and white and why you might consider it.  During this presentation, he will share a number of his unconventional, thought-provoking philosophies as well as some tips and techniques.  He will also show a number of his portfolios, including works in progress.

This event will be held at the Palo Alto Children's Theater (1305 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, CA 94301) at 7:30pm. It is free and open to the public.




About Cole Thompson

At 14 years of age, I knew that I was destined to be a fine art photographer. While living in Rochester, NY, I stumbled across an old building associated with George Eastman, which led to my reading of his biography. Before I even completed the book, I knew that I was going to be a photographer and for the next 10 years, photography was my complete existence. If I wasn’t taking pictures or in the darkroom, I would spend countless hours looking at every book and image I could find. There was nothing in my life except photography.

Even at this early age I found myself drawn to a particular style of image, one that would literally cause a physical reaction in me. They were dark images created by Adams, Weston, Bullock and others. I knew that I was destined to create such images.


I am often asked, “Why black and white?” I think it’s because I grew up in a black-and-white world. Television, movies and the news were all in black and white. My heroes were in black and white and even the nation was segregated into black and white.  My images are an extension of the world in which I grew up.





Cole's website is and his blog can be found at

IMPORTANT:  Because of limited seating in the theater, we are requiring all who wish to attend to register well in advance through the Eventbrite process below. Once the limit of 200 has been reached no further requests can be accepted. In the event a registrant learns they are unable to attend please notify the webmaster ASAP so we can free up those seats.


Eventbrite - Cole Thompson presents “Why Black and White”

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