[Change of Program to:] “Photography in the Antarctic and great Southern Ocean” by Ted Cheeseman

Special Program
with Ted Cheeseman

Wednesday, 25 July, 2012

This evening's talk will explore the Antarctic and great Southern Ocean through the photography and personal experience of long time expedition leader Ted Cheeseman. After twenty seasons of guiding photographers in the wild extremes of the planet, Ted has a deep appreciation for the process of making images in conditions that can be one moment generous and easy, the next, inclement and challenging. The Antarctic is an environment rich with images impossible to capture anywhere else, the source of inspiration that has drawn Ted back season after season.

Ted Cheeseman grew up traveling extensively with Cheesemans' Ecology Safaris, and consequently began studying and photographing wildlife as a child. After completing a master’s degree in tropical conservation biology at Duke University, Ted returned to California to lead and organize expeditions full time with Cheesemans’ Ecology Safaris. These voyages take Ted around the globe several times each year, sharing his love for the natural world with travelers. Ted currently leads expeditions to South America, Antarctica and the Arctic for Cheesemans' Ecology Safaris - http://www.cheesemans.com/antarctica.

[Please note that the previously scheduled program on Havana, Cuba with Charles Anselmo will no longer take place this evening.  We are working on re-scheduling that program for a later date.]

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