A Crash Course in Printing and Matting Your Image

Special Program
with PACC Members Ira Greenberg, Judy Kramer & Laurie Naiman

Wednesday, 25 January, 2012

Start the New Year by Learning how to take your images from Digital Camera to Print! 

The goal of this program is to provide attendees enough basic information to print and mat a digital  image.

This program was prompted by a recent discussion about why more members are not participating in print competitions.

We will cover the entire workflow from the camera to the printer and beyond.  Topics will include color management, monitor calibration, printer profiles, soft proofing, mat cutting, and photo mounting.  Calibration, cutting, and mounting will be demonstrated, and there will be time to work with this equipment.

The program will be presented by several PACC members including: Ira Greenberg, Judy Kramer & Laurie Naiman (+ others TBA).

Members who already make their own prints are encouraged to attend - both to add to the discussion, and perhaps to learn something new.

Slide Show (Ira)
Printing Workflow (Laurie)
Matting w/ a Floating Print (Judy)

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