Photographing People Internationally for Social Good

Special Program
with Mark Tuschman

Wednesday, 27 June, 2012


"Much of my work in recent years has been focused on documenting projects for non-profits and corporations focused on women’s reproductive healthcare and empowerment issues. I will be illustrating how I create my images, with examples from projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Some of the topics will include girl’s education, child marriage, microfinance and malaria prevention." 


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About Mark Tuschman:

Mark has worked as an international freelance photographer for more than 32 years. As a photographer committed to issues of global health and development, he was privileged to receive the photographer of the year award from the Global Health Council in 2009-2010. His work has been featured in many internal health and development conferences, including the Pacific Health Summit in London in June 2010, a conference promoting women’s reproductive health care and the Audacia Forum, a conference on girls’ education in NY this past September. Most recently, many of his images were used to illustrate the UNFPA 7 Billion Campaign.

Over the years, he has collaborated with several NGO’s including The Global Fund for Women, EngenderHealth, Packard Foundation,Planned Parenthood, WomensTrust, UNFPA and UNICEF to document and promote the essential work of these groups and their grantees. He has also done extensive work for Corporate Social Responsibility Programs in Ghana (documenting drug trials on river blindness) and in Ethiopia and Vietnam on trachoma prevention ( in conjunction with the Carter Center and the International Trachoma Initiative). He also has documented a diabetes prevention program for Pfizer along the entire Mexican American border from California to Texas. More recently he has documented social responsibility programs for Novartis, including treatment of leprosy in India and the Novartis Malaria Initiative in Kenya. He recently completed photographing a library of images for Planned Parenthood in Latin America and East Africa. In January of 2012, he documented the issues of dowry absue and child brides in India.

In the course of his career, he has photographed many Annual Reports for major pharmaceutical and health care providers including, Wyeth, Schering Plough, Upjohn, Medtronic, Amgen, Genentech, Stanford Medical Center,Palo Alto Medical Foundation and many others. He has received grants from the Packard Foundation to document their programs on maternal and child healthcare. He has worked in over 35 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America and Europe.

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