Annual Digital Competition – 2014

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View general comments from the judges
2014 Best Pictorial Color - Digital

Judge: Alison Brooks
judge's comments
Bean Hollow Beach by Jan Cheung
2014 Best Pictorial Monochrome - Digital & Digital of the Year

Judge: Alison Brooks
judge's comments
Spanish Rider by Jan Cheung
2014 Best Travel - Digital

Judge: Alison Brooks
judge's comments
Endless Crowds In Louvre, Paris by Branko Radonjic
2014 Best Nature - Digital

Judge: Alison Brooks
judge's comments
Wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus) crossing the Mara river
during the annual migration, Maasai Mara, Kenya
by Sue Forbes
2014 Best Photojournalism - Digital

Judge: Alison Brooks
judge's comments
PAFD at Work by Susan Diederichsen
2014 Best Creative - Digital

Judge: Alison Brooks
judge's comments
Super Me by Philippe Cailloux

About Philippe Cailloux

PACC member
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