Annual Auction & Potluck 2013


2012 Auction gathering

More photos from past auctions



Date: Sat. Sept. 21, 2013
Time: 12:00 – 4 pm (recommend wearing a hat for sun protection, and applying protective sunscreen on exposed skin)

Unitarian Universalist Church
505 East Charleston Rd
Palo Alto, CA 94306 (Google MAP)

Attendees Please bring your families. Children are welcome. To enhance the fund-raising, we encourage you also to invite family members and/or friends who might be interested in bidding on auction items.
Potluck items to bring (each to feed 8-10) CHOOSE ONE:  Appetizer – Main dish – Side-dish – Salad – Dessert.  If serving utensils are needed (large spoon, spatula, etc) please bring them, and label all dishes & utensils with tape showing your name (we often have orphans left behind, which are difficult to return w/o such an ID). Do not bring drinks (except perhaps a favorite soda) as your potluck contribution. The club will provide fruit punch, tea/coffee, disposable glasses, plates and eating utensils. This venue prohibits alcoholic drinks (beer, wine, etc). (Remember to retrieve your serving dishes, leftover food and utensils before leaving or at the end of the event.)

Auction items to donate

Because of the recent large increase in the facility rental fee for our club, we are dependent on this non-dues income to maintain the frequency and quality of our meetings. Auction donations are not tax-deductible.

We are emphasizing items of significant value and broad interest
. To submit an item for posting on our website take a photo of the item (or copy a photo from somewhere) and insert it in this new FORM with a brief description, link to a website (e.g., describing the item, estimated value, suggested opening bid, etc and submit it to our website. If you have any questions contact Philippe Cailloux at philippe AT

Suggested examples
 of donated items include

  • Lenses
  • Tripods, monopods
  • Bags
  • Filters
  • Memory cards & card readers
  • Computer equipment, monitors
  • Mobile computing devices (iPads, etc)
  • Printers & inkjet paper
  • Software (not registered)
  • Services: baking cakes and other food items, making prints, etc
  • household items/appliances of value

CLICK HERE for a look at items donated so far for this year’s auction.

(Old books, film cameras & darkroom items, and rotary dial phones are not in great demand.)

We also encourage members who’d like to bring more ‘casual’ items (frames, books, prints, plants, small kitchen appliances/ tools, etc.) to do so on the day of the event. For each item please write on a small piece of paper:   (1) what it is, (2) a suggested opening bid and (3) your name, and give it to our auction coordinators (Laurie Naiman & helpers) at the event.

REMEMBER to bring a blank check to pay for items (since we cannot guarantee change for those bringing cash), and be prepared to retrieve any items that are not sold. Unsold items that have not been retrieved will be discarded.

If you cannot attend the potluck/ auction but have item(s) to donate, let the Auction Coordinator know (email link at bottom) so a convenient dropoff can be arranged. Also you may wish to make a donation to the club (check or PayPal), using the link entitled ‘Donate form’. 

RSVP & Volunteers

By Mon Sep 16 we will need to know how many people are attending (so we can provide enough tables & chairs) and the type of dish each plans to bring for the potluck.  Please use this RSVP Form to sign up online. For those who don’t like such forms, just send an email to lnaiman AT pacamera DOT com, stating # attending, & dish you will bring. The sooner the better.

We will also ask for volunteers to arrive early (11:00 am) to help set up and also to tidy up after ward.


If you have questions about this event, contact Laurie Naiman, the Potluck and Auction Coordinator, at lnaiman AT pacamera dot com

About Philippe Cailloux

PACC member
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