Annual Auction & Potluck 2012 – Donation

Cash Donation

If you are unable to attend the auction and wish to make an instant online PayPal donation, click here
For alternative payment options, contact Elaine Heron- PACC treasurer by email at

Items Donation

Lenses, Bags, Filters, Memory cards & card readers, Computer equipment, monitors, Cooking voucher, services…

Item name
Brand, model, or just a title

Description of the item
Type br to insert a line break in the description

Link on Amazon, eBay or any site that describes this product

Item Condition
Brand new, unopened, lightly used, etc

Estimated Value
Ex: $100. (the estimated fair market value)

Opening Bid
Ex: $25. (the price we will start the auction)

Donor name
First name:
Last name:

Picture of the item
Limit the dimension of the image to max of 500 pixels by 500 pixels, jpeg or png

Your email address

About Philippe Cailloux

PACC member
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